Connecticut was among the earliest states to move aggressively to clean up its rivers. In the mid- 20th century, the state ordered new or greatly improved municipal sewage treatment facilities and forced factories to treat chemical, metal and other wastes. Before this, such hazards were simply flushed into the rivers. With vastly improved monitoring of water quality, if you live in Hartford or in the New England area water is a way of life. With summer here, there is no better time to delight in recreational fun on the water. For boating enthusiasts, exploring the beautiful waterways of Connecticut and ensuring you stay safe, is a must. Keeping in mind a few best practices can assist you in the best boating experience.
If using a boat to fish, wear your life jacket and make sure that your passengers wear theirs, too.
Don’t fish in areas where it is not permitted. These areas have been declared “off limits” to fishing to protect wildlife, vegetation, or for your safety. When choosing a site for fishing, always consider safety factors. Because fishing is practiced in a variety of environments, evaluate factors specific to safety in each environment.
Weather is always a factor. Set up a weather committee or rotate weather forecasting responsibilities.
Bring along extra safety items such as water, flashlights, maps, and a cellphone or radio.
Always wear footgear appropriate to the conditions. Stay dry, warm, and protected from the elements. Wear a waterproof sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 15.Wear thin layers of clothing, and progress outward to include water and wind protection as the final layer. Now all that’s left to do is have fun. Happy summer!
Coming soon: Perma-Liner Industries is busy making plans for you. We’re planning a “Trenchless Tour” on July 27th in the New England area. We’ll be posting more information on this spectacular event…stay tuned!