The Hartford Metropolitan Water District has a backwater valve program in place which separates the inflow and infiltration from your homes footing and foundation drains and roof leader connections to the sanitary sewer system. The sanitary sewer system is designed to handle sanitary waste only. By removing outside water sources from the sewer system, the potential of surcharging is reduced considerably during wet weather events. The removal of these connections is essential to the reduction of overflow and flooding events for the future. This program is designed to assist homeowners that experience basement flooding during wet weather events. A plumbing survey will be conducted prior to determination of qualification for this program.
When heavy rains, continuous wet weather, sudden thunder storms or tropical downpours occur, the sewer system may become overloaded. The causes can be attributed to several factors such as foundation and footing drains of homes directly connected to the sewer system causing a constant flow. The disconnection of the current back water valve device, which is installed in many older model homes, and the installation of a sump pump is the long term solution to the removal of ground water from the sewer system. The back water valve controls the inflow and Infiltration from ground water sources and puts it into other environmentally safe areas.

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