Waterline Renewal Technologies

Southington’s Promising Sewer Treatment Plant Improvement Plan


The town of Southington is waiting for approval for an upgrade to the sewer treatment plant.  Phosphorus levels in treated water, plus the need to improve the aging facility, are the key factors for the improvement. Phosphorus, a naturally occurring element, feeds algae and other aquatic plants that bloom and inhibit oxygen in water, creating an inhospitable environment for sea life. The treatment plant cleans up to 4 million gallons daily of wastewater and sends the treated water into the Quinnipiac River. Parts of the facility are dated back to the original plant, which was constructed in 1958. In approximately six years, a much stricter federal standard of .16 milligrams of phosphorus per liter will take effect nationwide. Improving the plant equipment to meet that more stringent standard will require several years of work, including upgrades of other processes. The $57.1 million project cannot move ahead without the approval of financing.  State and federal grants will reimburse the town for $17.2 million of the cost, with taxpayers financing slightly under $40 million.

Interesting fact: Connecticut was one of the first states to establish an agency dedicated to protecting the environment. The State has also worked with New York and the federal government to clean up Long Island Sound.  This sustained effort to reduce sewage overflows and storm water runoff has provided jobs and other benefits. Many cities within the state are currently identifying needed infrastructural improvements. Projects will include upgraded sewer and drainage systems. Additionally, green infrastructure will be a functional component in the drainage system.

Certified Installers take note: Perma-Liner Industries would like to invite you to our Refresher Training (Perma-Lateral™ specific) that will take place on July 12th and 13th at our Clearwater facility!! Please plan on attending. Register by calling 1-866-336-2568 or Click Here! See you then!
